US Immigration Assistance

Attention International Students: Urgent Advisory on OPT Application Deadlines 

Attention students completing your academic programs in the winter session: the OPT application process requires careful timing, particularly due to the unique schedule of winter course completion. Somireddy Law Group is committed to ensuring you are well-informed to avoid pitfalls that may jeopardize your OPT application success. Winter Session Considerations: Early Planning: If you complete …

US Immigration Assistance

New Washington State Laws Affecting Employers Nationwide with Job Postings!

Equal Pay and Opportunity Act In a recent judgment, the Superior Court of the State of Washington held employers like Insight Global LLC liable for violating the “Pay Transparency” requirements. The court awarded $5,000 in damages plus attorney fees to each applicant who applied to a non-conforming posting. Effective January 1, 2023, Washington State’s “Pay …

Image of Shoplifting Activity and Required Rule of Law

The Holiday Shopping Season and Rising Shoplifting Concerns

The Impact of Shoplifting Charges on Foreign Students and H-1B Workers in the U.S. Sunila Bali, Esq. As the holiday season approaches, shopping malls and stores become bustling centers of activity, filled with excitement and the spirit of gift-giving. However, this period also sees a notable rise in shoplifting incidents, a trend that carries significant …